Inspire Love By Pastor Kemi Akapo

By December 23, 2023Sermons
love of christ

People in the world have reduced love to mere emotions and sensual perceptions. The bible however speaks of another Kind of love not based on emotions but a decision to be committed regardless of how we feel. That is the Agape love which is the God kind of love. The importance and the attribute of this kind of love is what we find listed in our anchor scripture (1 Corinthians 13). God commanding us to love means that He knows we have the capacity to love. God’s word says we can’t love our neighbour if we don’t first love The Lord. The more you grow in God, the more you grow in love. God’s love through Jesus draws us close and reminds us that God loves us and wants us
restored to Him.

”For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son”. (John 3:16)

Though God has sovereignly chosen us to respond to His message of love and grace, we are responsible to choose “the way of truth”. As we look at the challenges facing our homes, churches and communities. It is obvious that love is the only thing that can save us. It can look at a hopeless situation and see hope.

1. Surrender to Jesus: This simply means that you must be born again. You can’t give what you don’t have. In order to inspire love you must have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and develop a love relationship with the Holy Spirit.
2. Sacrificial giving: Give your best. God did not send one of the Angels, He sent His ONLY begotten son so that he can have the whole world restored. Aside from giving to God, Acts 4:32- 36 narrates how members of the church sold their properties to ensure that others were taken care of. Show love to the less privileged, widows and those around you and God will reward you.

Beloved let the love of God flow through you to someone and you will be amazed to see them receive the message of the gospel. As we practice this kind of love, the church becomes a place where emotional wounds are healed and prodigal sons are willing to come back home.

“Have you found love in Christ Jesus? Give your life to Him today so that you may be able to transmit the original love that you have been given”

Pst Kemi Akapo


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